Workshop invitation
Teaching Structrures to Architecture Students
POLIS University, Rr, Bylis 12, Tirana Albania
Starting in:
About the Event
POLIS University is very glad to invite participants from Balkan states in the Workshop “Teaching Structures to Architecture Students” On December 04 – 05, 2019 organized by:
Formerly, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. “STRUCTURE AS ARCHITECTURE” book writer a source book for architects and engineers: Prof. ANDREW CHARLESON, National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards winner, RESIST Software Developer and POLIS University, Tirana (Albania), Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Architecture and Engineering.
The purpose of the workshop is to improve the teaching of structures to architecture students including the introduction of earthquake-resistant design. Structures courses need to be relevant, integrated with design studio and pass on design skills relevant to achieving safe architecture.
Criteria’s Eligibilty
The workshop is expecting 20 participants (architects or engineers who teaches structure in architecture programs), from the Balkans Universities and beyond.
The workshop aims to improve the teaching experience and gain new skills towards a more effective teaching, by identifying the challenges, the materials to be introduced and how can new software’s be integrated in architecture programs
Outcomes of this Workshop
Each participant to prepare an action plan near the end of the workshop that will seek to implement upon return to the university. Outcomes from the workshop By the end of workshop participants will have:
- Identified the challenges facing teachers of Structures and discussed ways to make teaching more effective and better integrated into the architecture program
- Reviewed our own teaching practice in the light of international approaches to improve upon current practice
- Evaluated what is taught, what should not be taught, and what new material should be introduced
- Generated a personal project plan to implement on their own campus and to be held accountable for it
- Become more effective and confident using the RESIST software.
Keynote Speaker
Andrew charlseson is a former Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He has taught the subject of architectural structures in lecture and studio settings for over 30 years. During this time, he has won several teaching awards, including a National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award for Excellence in Innovation. This award recognized his development the software “RESIST” to empower architecture students undertaking preliminary structural designs.
Get Your Ticket now
The Workshp is expecting 20 participants (Architects or Engineers who teach structure in architecture programs), from Balkans Universities and Beyond