Teaching Structures to Architecture Students


POLIS University is very glad to invite participants from Balkan states: Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Rumania and Slovenia; in the Workshop “Teaching Structures to Architecture Students” On December 04 – 05, 2019 organized by:

  1. Formerly, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. “STRUCTURE ASARCHITECTURE” book writer a source book for architects and engineers: Prof.ANDREW CHARLESON, National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards winner,RESIST Software Developer and
  2. POLIS University, Tirana (Albania), Faculty of Architecture and Design, Departmentof Architecture and Engineering.

The purpose of the workshop is to improve the teaching of structures to architecture students including the introduction of earthquake-resistant design. Structures courses need to be relevant, integrated with design studio and pass on design skills relevant to achieving safe architecture. We are expecting 20 participants from the Balkans Universities to benefit from the experience of gaining practical skills on:

  • Identifying the challenges facing teachers of Structures and discussed ways to maketeaching more effective and better integrated into the architecture program
  • Reviewing their own teaching practice in the light of international approaches toimprove upon current practice
  • Evaluating what is taught, what should not be taught, and what new material shouldbe introduced
  • Generating a personal project plan to implement on their own campus and to be heldaccountable for it
  • Becoming more effective and confident using the RESIST software.

Pre-workshop preparation required of participants is to: Read Charleson, A. 2018. “Earthquake Engineering Education in Schools of Architecture: Developments during the Last Ten Years Including Rule-of-Thumb Software”, Journal of Architectural Engineering, 24 (3), 04018020 1-7 (to be provided) and bring at least three questions or comments, each from a different section of the paper, for discussion. Download RESIST software (free from the NZSEE website –search for RESIST) and (re)design, approximately and roughly, the seismic resistant structure of the building housing your school of architecture. Estimate dimensions by pacing out and guesstimate any unknowns. Do minimum of two designs with RC frames and then RC shear walls in both major directions. Vary number and placement of structural elements in each direction. Roughly sketch by hand “new” structure for each design on an A4 sheet showing plan and a section. End-of-workshop projects Each participant to prepare an action plan near the end of the workshop that will seek to implement upon return to the university. Outcomes from the workshop By the end of workshop participants will have:

  • -Identified the challenges facing teachers of Structures and discussed ways to maketeaching more effective and better integrated into the architecture program
  • -Reviewed our own teaching practice in the light of international approaches to improveupon current practice
  • -Evaluated what is taught, what should not be taught, and what new material should beintroduced
  • -Generated a personal project plan to implement on their own campus and to be heldaccountable for it
  • -Become more effective and confident using the RESIST software.

The interested should apply via this form http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-5007444/online-registration-form, and get further details by e-mail. We would be very happy to have you on board during this experience! POLIS University, Department of Engineering




Contact person and information: Etleva Dobjani: etleva_dobjani@universitetipolis.edu.al Malvina Istrefaj: malvina_istrefaj@universitetipolis.edu.al POLIS UNIVERSITY: Rr. Bylis 12, Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km 5 Kashar, Tiranë, Shqipëri, Tel: +355 (4) 2407420 / 2407421, Fax: +355 (4) 2407422, Cel: +355 (0) 694088111 www.universitetipolis.edu.al; info@universitetipolis.edu.al



March 2025

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